Usher Board #4

Usher Board #4 meets on the 4th Saturday of the Month 9:30a.m.-11:00a.m. in the Sanctuary.

Their mission is to Greet and Welcome everyone into the House of the Lord on the Fourth Sunday. Collect Tithes and Offering and provide assistance to those needing help with seating in the sanctuary.

They are a group of dedicated volunteer members who seat guests, collect the tithes and offering, keep order during service and at the entrance of the sanctuary. They distribute church bulletins, tissues, service programs, assist with security, clean up the sanctuary between services and administer emergency procedures and handle disturbances.  Members of Usher Board #4  are the face, eyes and ears of the church every fourth Sunday.

If you are interested in becoming a member of Usher Board #4, please contact Angela N. Adams, 213-924-9070 or email